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History of elaruu

29 Oct 2022

Elaruu joined scratch at 8:58 and 48 seconds, AEST.

31 Oct 2022

JamieD132 found elaruu for the first time, followed them, and commented the first thing on their profile. Shortly after JamieD132's brother also commented and followed.

Sep 2023

JamieD132 mentioned elaruu on griffpatches profile for the first time, and he did throughout the whole month, asking people to comment "genius, absolute genius" on elaruu's profile.

Late Sep 2023

Fans started to develop. @hope_in_the_cross was the first elaruu supporter and @dahat_heart_master49 was the first elaruu hater.

Oct 2023

People started to use elaruu as a chatroom, but only about one comment was made a day. JamieD132 continued to advertise elaruu as a chatroom from then.

30 Oct 2023

Elaruu's 1 year anniversary was held. It was held one day late by accident. Not many people attended, and none really cared, although elaruu gained about 10 followers from this.

Nov 2023

JamieD132 noticed how much followers elaruu was gaining and aimed for 100, although he never expected that much. Elaruu reached 700 messages and JamieD132 was really amazed, as he never expected it to be so high.

10 Nov 2023

Elbrus was discovered and turned into a chatroom by @steichfam.

11 Nov 2023

By this point Elaruu had reached 100 followers and 1000 messages! Suddenly, Elaruu's comments were closed during a multi-chatroom incident where one griffpatcher started a trend that lead to all griffpatchers contributing to a guideline breaking event and many comment closures across hundreds of profiles.

13 Nov 2023

Most comments re-opened this day, except elaruu's and a few others, including elbrus.

16 Dec 2023

After 26 days of comments being closed, elaruu's mysteriously opened again. Elbrus's remained closed, and are still closed to this day.

5 Feb 2024

After skyrocketing in activity, elaruu had reached 670 followers and 22,000 messages before it's comments were closed again due to mass-reporting.

16 Feb 2024

11 days later, elaruuians across the globe woke to devastating news. Overnight, the scratchteam had decided to permenantly delete elaruu's account. Elaruuians were flabogasted and imediately started protesting but it was no use. Elaruu remains delted to this day


The future of elaruu is in your hands! We can restore it if we find away to convince the scratchteam to have it back! Are you going to just let an entire community fall? Lets come together to BRING BACK ELARUU!!!

Who is elaruu

Written by Btdim1 (I think)
A chatroom started by @JamieD132, @elaruu had over 640 followers. @elaruu was sometimes used by griffpatchers for a variety of reasons, but mostly when there was spamming, chat inactivity, ban-speedrunning, comment closures, raids, trolling (even though this has happened on elaruu too) or too many advertisers on griffpatch's profile. @elaruu was however mostly used as an alternative chatroom for non griffpatchers who called themselves "elaruuians" or "elaruuvians". @elaruu has done no activity on scratch(please verify) and is known solely for being a chatroom, even after deletion.
Elaruu has sparked a trend of finding random accounts and making chatrooms out of them.
Elaruu was deleted for an unknown reason on February 15, 2024, most likely due to mass reporting.

Elaruu Wiki